Environmental Protection | PVC | OIL | Secondary Containment Berm

Spill Berms – Aluminum Angle Standard Spill Berms

Space Bladder Aluminum Angle Berms are easy to use and set up on the shortest time. The advantage of our Angle guardrails is that the pads themselves are lighter through separate aluminum corners. This means less manpower is needed to handle slope protection of the same size in a single building. Angle brackets enter their own storage bags and berms, making it easier for small crews to transport. Two people can build a large berm in less than 10 minutes. In order to enter the wall, it takes less than one-two minute to remove the wall.

Aluminum-Angle-Standard-Spill-Berms Aluminum-Angle-Standard-Spill-Berms

Spill Berms – Air Chamber Spill Berms

Air Chamber Spill Berms air wall guardrail is a single building and is made of materials from 0.7mm to 1.5mm. PVC & TPU everything in between. These berms are great when storage is limited. Without metal or plastic parts, rods or foam complicate the folding and form large packages. They are also lighter than other single berms.

Spill Berms – Air Chamber Spill Berms 1 Spill Berms – Air Chamber Spill Berms

Spill Berms provides dependable spill control for leak-prone containers and equipment. Sets up in mere minutes, great for efficiency and quick response under emergency spill conditions. Berm withstands a broad range of chemicals including petroleums and most acids and is durable enough for extended wear. High-visibility against potential catch hazards inside while keeping exterior free from trip hazards found in other berms with exterior support systems.

Features of spill containment berms:

  • Material – heavy duty PVC or  TPU
  • Use of the ambient temperature range, from -30 °C to +70°C
  • Easy setup and storage
  • Fold down stainless steel “L” rods (rods do not have to be removed to fold) for Aluminum Angle Standard Spill Berms
  • Can be used with Decon pools
  • Custom sizes available
  • Snap-up support provides a sturdy sidewall for excellent spill containment
  • 100% usable interior space
  • Easy cleaning and storage allows for repeated use
  • Includes repair kit
  • Custom sizes available
  • Custom Color
  • UV aging, long life

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Aluminum Angle Standard Spill Berms


Aluminum Angle Standard Spill Berms


Aluminum Angle Standard Spill Berms

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